We're on the case.
Insurance Claims Adjusting with superior experience and results.
Working with insurance companies, working for people.
Diverse Claims Adjusters Ltd. opened our Edmonton office in June of 2009 with four staff and by July 2009 our Westlock location was operational. Since opening we have continued to add staff as necessary to enable us to maintain service excellence. We have senior adjusting staff in both locations, along with experienced support staff to provide unequaled service.
With our background and experience in the Commercial and Residential Condominium market we are uniquely suited to provide new and existing Condominium clients with a Standard Insurable Unit Description (SIUD) report to assist them in being able to comply with the upcoming changes in the Alberta Condominium Act that go into force in January 2020. As part of our claims handling experience, we have prepared in excess of 3,000 unit assessments and counting by the beginning of 2019. The assessments are the forerunner to what is now required in an SIUD report. We believe our experience in this area is unmatched in our market.
The demand for our services and our SIUD reports has resulted in a need for additional adjusting and support staff.
Please contact any of our staff for more information about our company, our services and career opportunities with Diverse.

[ Commerical Claims ]
Condominium specialists
Commercial Property
Product liability
CGL claims
Errors and Ommissions
Business interruption losses
Transportation losses
Environmental losses
Employee Dishonesty
Commercial farms, livestock
Oil and gas claims
[ condominium claims ]
Condominium losses for Corporations
Liaiblity loss investigations for Corporation CGL carriers
Directors and Officers Coverage

[ homeowner claims ]
Thanks to our adjuster's breadth of experience and skill sets we are prepared to handle the wide variety of claims that homeowner insurers are faced with.
We are happy to assist insurers with their claim handling requirements no matter how large or small the claim may be.
From full handle to task specific assignments we appreciate the opportunity to be of service to insurers and their clients.

[ automobile claims ]
Bodily injury claims
Coverage & Liability investigations
First and Third Party physical damage claims
Task assignments - witness statements, scene investigations
Accident Benefit claims